It is time to let go of the confines of restriction and diets. While I do not prescribe diets, I may review one’s intake and recommend nutrition plans in individualized cases needing weight restoration or more structure.

Practice Philosophy

I help clients pursue goals in line with their values without directly pursuing weight loss. I focus on nutrition behaviors, not the number on the scale, as a measure of health.

We are all born with an innate sense of needs and desires. Diet culture has worked against that, but we can learn to reconnect with our body to rediscover our hunger cues.

I keep on top of the latest nutrition research so you don’t have to. I utilize science-informed interventions with my clients.

I have training in nutrition, but you are the expert in your own body. Furthermore, dieting and eating disorders can take away a lot of control, and I encourage you to take it back. You decide what feels right and good for you.

Let’s add to your life with food and movement, not take away from it. I encourage clients to give themselves grace and allow space for curiosity.