Some thoughts about breaking up with your ideal body type
Your body may not look the way you want it to, and that can definitely be frustrating.

Examples of adding in foods to your diet
Focus on adding in foods instead of taking foods out to create more well-balanced, nutrient-dense, and satisfying meals and snacks

What does weight loss actually mean?
Weight loss occurs when we eat less than we expend (including all of our body’s ways to use energy, exercise bring a relatively small part). Most diets will result in weight loss if followed strictly for 6 weeks. One of the biggest issues lies in if it's sustainable. If we are pushing our body to a lower body weight or starving it and slowing our metabolism, it will fight to protect itself.

You are not alone in diet culture
The multi-billion dollar diet industry would like us to think that diets can solve our problems. But the 95% FAILURE rate tells us something is missing. Instead, you are better off focusing on health-enhancing behaviors which may or may not change your weight.

Ways to improve health without directly pursuing weight loss
7 ways to improve your health without directly pursuing weight loss

Willpower…and what does dieting have to do with it?
Willpower…and what does dieting have to do with it? Short answer: nothing.

Health-related outcomes that are NOT related to weight
You can pursue health without pursuing weight loss.. Here are some health-related outcomes that are NOT related to weight loss that I have heard from my clients.

Some perspective…
That one meal you’re obsessing over is one of close to 100,000 meals you’ll eat in your lifetime. Let it go.

5 Beginner Steps to Start Practicing Mindful Eating
5 beginner steps to start practicing mindful eating