How to reset after a long weekend

What does a registered dietitian do to reset after a long weekend with lots of good food, wine, and fun in the sun? It’s actually quite simple and most likely not what you think, I think of it as restoring myself back to normal functioning.

First off, I remember our bodies don’t need detox teas or cleanses, they do that all themselves.

  1. Hydrate

  2. Caffeine (this is a personal thing - it just makes me a happier human!)

  3. Get outside - fresh air is a beautiful thing

  4. Resume normal eating! Fiber, carbs, protein, fresh veg and fruits. It is all important

  5. Move! I move my body in a way that feels good to me - usually a long walk, combined with #3 :)

As you can see, I gently ease back into “normal” life. This particular morning, I put on some comfy pants, filled up my water and got myself a Starbucks, made sure I ate normalized meals throughout the day with plenty of fiber, carbs, protein, and fresh veg/fruit, moved my body in a way that felt good, and got a bit of sunshine. I also plan to head to bed early tonight as I’m still catching up on sleep.

We don’t need detox teas or juice cleanses. You can’t “sweat it out.” Our bodies’ natural processes work their magic if we allow them time to. You won’t feel any better about yourself for judging any food or drink choices you made. Focus on what you can do now - continue eating regular meals, hydrating, moving your body in a way that feels good, and reconnecting with your space, pets, or family that you were away from!

If you think this may be something that you could benefit from having a deeper discussion on, let’s chat! I also offer a free 15-minute phone conversation to see if we’d be a good fit in working together.


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