Willpower…and what does dieting have to do with it?

Short answer: nothing.

I’ve heard often from clients that diets make them feel like something is wrong with them when they inevitably “fail” (aka resume normal eating) for lacking “willpower.” This is a result of diet culture and our resulting obsession with the thin ideal. Really the diet is not designed to be sustainable or create lasting impacts without quite drastic levels of restriction that have to be continuously decreased. Diets are meant to be failed, it has nothing to do with one’s willpower.

If following a meal plan is hard, maybe it’s not the right one. Maybe there are other elements you need to consider such as stress and sleep and lifestyle. Maybe you’re not feeding yourself enough or the right balance of macronutrients. **even if it was created by a fitness professional or even a dietitian**

Nutrition needs are so individualized. They depend on your basic biology and stats and activity levels, but also on your likes/dislikes, culture and social settings, geographical location , family needs, time and resources, emotional well-being, the list goes on. Willingness is definitely a consideration, but willpower is not one of them.

I’d love to work with you to make a plan for what works for you. One of my passions is helping others help themselves. Please reach out! I also offer a free 15-minute phone conversation.


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