
Hello and welcome. I would like to introduce myself as I get my blog and nutrition practice up and running. My name is Melissa Joda Moody and I’m a registered dietitian and the owner of Joda Nutrition! I have several years of experience working in the behavioral health setting with adolescents who struggle with eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. My mission in starting my own practice is to treat children, adolescents, and adults struggling with eating and body image. I want to help YOU help yourself through healing your relationship with food. Read more about how I practice here.

Here is my family and a little bit about us. My family includes my husband Simon and our two sons Callum (4) and Archer (2). We also have our beloved dog Tilley (7). Spending time with them all is one of my greatest accumulating positives. We collectively enjoy hiking, eating cake, and going on adventures near and far! I personally enjoy running short distances to clear my mind, working out to build strength, sipping iced strawberry matcha lattes, reading to expand my knowledge, and eating at local restaurants with my husband and friends. Clearly my hobbies are varied, and I don’t always have time to do everything I’d like to do these days. I often say to myself that it’s far from perfect but this life we were given most certainly is a good one. I also LOVE talking about all things nutrition and busting diet myths to help everyone see that they can live without dieting and eating disorders. You can read about my nutrition philosophy here.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more or set up for a free discovery call!

All family photos taken by the wonderfully talented Vanessa Wyler Photography.


5 Beginner Steps to Start Practicing Mindful Eating