You are not alone in diet culture

Does it seem impossible to live a life without food rules? Without dieting? Without micromanaging your meals, tracking macros, weighing out food? Do vacations (or days out of your routine) revolve around finding safe foods, feeling guilty for eating too much, or constantly worrying about how you can work off your food? Are you bingeing or overeating in secret? Are you feeling out of control around food?

If so, I’ve got a few ideas for you:

1. First off, know you are not alone! The multi-billion dollar diet industry would like us to think that diets can solve our problems. But the 95% FAILURE rate tells us something is missing. Instead, you are better off focusing on health-enhancing behaviors which may or may not change your weight.

2. Work with me. I’d love the opportunity to show you that life doesn’t have to be controlled by what you eat or don’t eat. You deserve freedom from food and food thoughts.

3. Buy the intuitive eating book and workbook and go through this with your dietitian or on your own. These are listed here.

4. Follow body-positive accounts (browse through most of who I follow on Instagram for a start!). Or better yet, log off social media and dip back into your hobbies to find what lights you up.

5. Keep a food journal about your feelings (thoughts, emotions) around food and your body. This is NOT about tracking your food portions. See where you are at the end of a week after reading the Intuitive Eating book.

And please remember - while I am a nutrition expert with an evidence-based approach in counseling my clients on intuitive eating and body image work…YOU are the expert of your own body.

As always, I am here for you if you need more individual guidance and support. Please reach out!


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Ways to improve health without directly pursuing weight loss